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DERPO TRADING - Advanced Options Strategies

DERPO TRADING -  Advanced Options Strategies

DERPO TRADING - Advanced Options Strategies


Traditionally, diversification via combining asset classes and /or securities loosely correlated with each other has been the mainstream of the asset management industry( Mutual fund and PMS). However they suffer from the flaw that the entire portfolio so created, is having positive beta exposure and falls when the market falls, so we do not enjoy diversification benefits when it is most needed. After spending decades in observing markets both practically and academically via rich financial literature, we have come to recognize that the only solution to this problem lies in DERPO – a portfolio of derivatives (futures & options), securities (equity, commodity, currency) with varied strategies designed to exploit one anomaly at a time while shielding the strategy from other exposures. 

The concept of DERPO Trading is not at all averse to investing directly in underlying assets like equity or debt but that we intend to devote less funds towards the same.


  • Become a 360° player in the Markets and make your portfolio win.
  • Master in creating a strong portfolio not just with Equity, but with Derivatives too. 
  • Use Options to play with Markets in a more comprehensive manner. 
  • Learn how to make options useful in earning with volatility changes, liquidity, etc., not just with price movements.
  • Derivatives are the only way to make money as time passes. Learn how to exploit Theta Decay to earn profit.
  • Estimating directions is a major factor to earn, when dealing with Equity. But, when you aren't sure of the directions, Derivatives come to the rescue. Learn the art of directionless trading.